Monday, July 20, 2015

Summer Lovin'

After four weeks straight of seeing Jeremiah nearly 24/7, I went a week and a half of not seeing him at all! Quite the opposite side of the spectrum, but it was good preparation for my semester abroad I suppose. While I was gone he started his internship (I'll get back to that) and I spent time in one of my favorite places- Rochester, NY! Rochester is where I and my family are from and where most of my extended family still lives. I have been lucky enough to visit Rochester and my family every summer for as long as I can remember. I moved from there when I was 2, so while I didn't have any memories of it then I have many memories attached to it from all of my visits. Plus if you know me you know that my family is so important to me and what's better than being surrounded by the whole clan?? Though I wish Jeremiah had been there with me, especially because this was his second year in a row missing the trip, I know how important this internship is to him!

I'll let Jeremiah explain more in detail about his experiences thus far in the internship, but I know he's already made some great relationships with the other interns and has encountered very friendly and welcoming coworkers. He also made it through the tedious online training and is on to the good stuff! But he can explain more when he writes a post. Last week I had the chance to visit him at his work and to bring him lunch. It was really a different experience seeing him in this environment, but so cool! I've only ever known Jeremiah as a student so to see him in the real working world makes the future beyond school seem so close! He showed me all around the Medtronic campus including his workspace, where he eats lunch, and rooms holding some very important machinery. I try my best to follow along when he explains what he does, but it seems pretty complicated! I think my favorite part about visiting him at Medtronic and hearing him explain what he does is to see his passion behind the work that the company as a whole is doing. Medtronic makes pacemakers among other medical supplies and Jeremiah is always saying how he loves the impact that the company has on people and their quality of life. I think that just really says a lot about him and how he wants to better peoples lives. 

As for my trip to Rochester, my family is always a little complicated in getting to places, multiple flights, lots of bags, a little chaotic! But that's just us, and it works! So my mom arrived first, then me, then Brian, then my dad, Terrisa, Emily, and the three kids, then finally Heather and George! Yeah, a little crazy! But I was just happy that everyone made it out since this was the first time in awhile that all of us were in Rochester together.

I spent time with both of my grandmas, aunts, uncles, cousins. I did many things and really just a lot of family time, but I'll name a few specific things. One of my favorites was one night playing Upwords with my grandma in her new apartment (I won! Sorry, had to throw that in Grandma!) I love playing games with her and getting to spend one on one time. One afternoon we went to my cousins' two kids birthday party. They have a 1 and a 4 year old and there were a lot of little kids running around! But it was a great, Superhero-themed party and a nice way to get a lot of our family together too! That same night we went to one of our favorite ice cream places called Friendly's. We had dinner there too, but the real reason to go is the ice cream! They have this amazing peanut butter sauce that just makes their sundaes awesome. A lot of what we do while we're in Rochester is go to restaurants and have the food that we love and miss all year long because we can't get it at home in AZ! Sooo I had quite a bit of delicious food! This blog is probably making me sound like all I think about is food and eating bad-for-me foods! Needless to say I was excited to get back into a routine of healthier eating at home. Anyway, back to my trip, I ate lots of awesome food: peanut donuts (sounds strange, but actually delicious), Abbott's frozen custard, Carmine's steak sandwich, Friendly's sundae, Carbone's pizza... Yeah... We also went to the Strong Children's Museum, to my Great Aunt's pool to swim, Seabreeze Amusement/Water Park (has the oldest roller coaster in the US), had a cousin's night out, and many other things! 

Finally, on the Fourth of July we went to my Aunt and Uncle's lake house! We do this most summers and it is one of my favorite traditions! The lake house is on Lake Ontario and we all bring food and pretty much my whole family comes! Well, a good portion of the family from both my mom and dad's sides! We sat on the beach and out front just talking, playing some games... It's great! Then once it finally got dark we had a bonfire and watched fireworks all around us! Unfortunately, the day after the 4th I had to head home... But that meant- Jeremiah! 

Since I got back, Jeremiah has been a working man and I've been doing a lot of random things! For one, I got a shadowing position at a PT clinic! It's a geriatric outpatient clinic called Spooner Physical Therapy. Basically I just follow around the PT there and learn about what a career in PT is like! For PT school you have to get some observation hours so that you know what you're getting into. Makes sense! So I am doing that two days a week. I've also been babysitting, got a couple of pet sitting jobs, giving French Horn lessons, and relaxing! It's been a great summer so far, and I still have quite a bit more summer until my semester abroad starts! 

Together Jeremiah and I have enjoyed simply spending time together and with our families. We also went on a date to a place called TopGolf! Basically it's a big driving range, but has a fun competition component to it. We had been wanting to do that on a date for awhile and finally got around to it. We also went to one of my friend's wedding receptions, went to see "Minions" with Paisley and Terrisa, and had a really fun dinner/going away party with our friends Stephanie and Kyle! Little things here and there! Oh, and we've been doing some healthy eating! Right after I got back from Rochester we started a week of no sugar (excluding natural sugar) and then a week of no saturated fat! The purpose is to become more aware of what we are eating and what's in our food! It's been really good.


Ready for my friend's reception (new dress from Anthropologie courtesy of Heather)!

Until next time!

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