Friday, May 15, 2015

A Flight Away!

We're closing in on Europe... and schoooool's out for summer! We survived!! I have to brag on behalf of Jeremiah a little bit here. Not only did he wrap up the semester with straight A's once again, maintaining his 4.0 (amazing!!), he was also offered an internship with Medtronic. Medtronic is a company that makes pacemakers primarily and Jeremiah will be interning in their failure analysis department. Basically, he will be helping test the things that could go wrong so that the don't go wrong when they have to actually be used. How awesome is that? Jeremiah was a little concerned about going to Europe and wasting a summer that could be used to have an internship. But Medtronic liked him so much that they were willing to push back the start date of the internship until we got back from Europe. Jeremiah is so talented and I'm so excited that Medtronic recognizes that and offered him this internship! So now he can go to Europe and not worry about "wasting his summer." So awesome. As for me, I finished off my semester very well as well! I have to admit I did not get straight A's (that is very hard for me to admit to), but I still have a 3.9 overall, so I am very proud of that! Also, I found out that I received a Kinesiology Program Scholarship for next year! I apply to so many scholarships every year, it's nice to finally win one, even if it's not a big amount, any amount helps! So anyway, that's enough of the bragging, sorry! We are happy to be done with another school year and now I can officially call myself a Junior in college (what??) and Jeremiah is a senior! Time is flying!

Since our last post, I was in the wedding of my friends Stephanie and Kyle! I was a bridesmaid and Jeremiah attended as well. They are some of our very good friends that we have known since high school, so it was especially exciting to be at their celebration! The wedding was at a place in Florence, Arizona called the Windmill Winery and it was a beautiful location! It was actually a beautiful day, weather-wise as well. AZ has been having some unseasonably cool weather for this time of year and we Arizonans are very grateful! Stephanie looked beautiful, the reception was a blast, and it was just a really happy day. 

Jeremiah and I with Stephanie and Kyle right before they left!

Another happy day was this past Thursday when Jeremiah's younger brother, Nathan, graduated from high school! He graduated in the top 10% from Mountain View high school, the same place Jeremiah and I went. Since my mom works at the high school she was able to get us tickets for field seats (graduation takes place in the football stadium), so we had a great view! Their grandparents flew in and his aunt and uncle and cousin came, so it was a fun celebration as well. Nathan will be going to ASU next year and majoring in Mechanical Engineering. We are both very excited for him and his future!

Also on Thursday morning, Jeremiah and I hiked Camelback Mountain with our friend Antonio and some of Antonio's other friends. It was a great hike with of course a great view from the top!

So today is the day we've been waiting for! We are flying out tonight for London!! We both can't believe it. A month in Europe has finally come? What?? But you better believe we are so excited. In the past week or two we have checked and double checked reservations, created packing lists, purchased some last minute items, and have packed our bags. Yesterday morning we met up at his parents house, loaded the car and left for Los Angeles. Jeremiah and I booked our flights out of LAX because it was the cheapest we could find, and at only a six hour drive from home, we figured it would be fine. Also, it worked out because his family is making a vacation out of it! So now we are sitting in the LA airport with our bags ready to go, just waiting to check-in! We have a direct flight into London so hopefully we will be able to sleep on the plane. We are arriving in London around 1 pm, which means we'll pretty much hit the ground running. We plan on updating the blog primarily on our train rides between countries, so we will keep in touch with everyone. With that, we say goodbye to the U.S. And hello to Europe! Check back periodically over the next four weeks to see where our adventure takes us! 

Squeezed in the tight back seat!

We look a little tired, but here we are with our bags ready to go! 

1 comment:

  1. Have fun and stay safe!! Can't wait to hear all about your adventures!! ✈️🇬🇧🇩🇪🇫🇷🇳🇴
    Love, mom
