Saturday, September 26, 2015

Adios a Los Estados Unidos

Well I'm off! I'm currently sitting in the Miami airport getting ready for the last leg of my flight into San Jose. I'm feeling a lot of nerves, a lot of excitement, a lot of feelings are happening! Mostly it just feels really strange that the time has finally come for me to study abroad! I haven't fully grasped the fact that I'm headed to a foreign country on my own. It feels very different from traveling to Europe with Jeremiah this summer. 

Even before I started college I knew studying abroad was something I wanted to do. My sisters both went to Spain on study abroad. During my freshman year of college I started looking at ASU's study abroad website and had a really fun time clicking on different countries on the map and exploring their programs. While I looked all over the world, I was very interested in a Spanish-speaking country since that's what I have some background in. So I focused on those countries primarily. I also wanted a program compatible with my Health major, which there aren't too many of! So after a lot of looking, thinking it over, and talking to others I settled on Costa Rica. It is unknown territory for anyone in my family. That means there are a lot of unknowns! If you know me, you know I like to plan, but that's a little tough to do in this situation! But I'm excited to branch out of my comfort zone and to explore a completely new culture. More like completely bust out of my comfort zone actually... I've done a lot of reading and preparing myself, but I'm sure that will be nothing compared to actually being there! 

It was particularly tough to say goodbye to my family this week. I got to see most of my friends throughout the week to say our goodbyes. I've been made more aware because of this trip how many people I have in my life that really care about me and are excited for me. Last night my family got together for Grimaldi's pizza and frozen yogurt and hanging out! One of the hardest was thinking about not seeing my nieces and nephew for three months. They are going to grow up so much in three months! Parker and Madeline will turn two! Not getting their hugs and kisses for three months is going to be really hard. Man, I never would have been able to go out of state for college!! My parents and siblings were also very difficult, but at least I know they won't look too much different when I come back! Except Heather, who will be looking much more pregnant! And of course, saying goodbye to Jeremiah was no fun at all. We've made it for seven months apart before, so I know we can do it. But who wants to do that?? He's been really supportive of me, and I appreciate him so much for that! A big thank you to him, my parents, and the rest of my family and friends for supporting me on this trip, encouraging me to do it, and praying for me. I'll see my parents, Emily, and Jeremiah in only two weeks when they come down to visit!! Can't wait! 

Last day at home!

I've been asked, what am I most looking forward to about studying abroad? That's a hard question to answer! So many things! Im excited for learning more Spanish, meeting and living with a Costa Rican family, really diving into and experiencing a new culture, seeing what classes are like at a foreign university, Salsa dancing, and the endless amount of outdoor activities! I want to do everything! Ziplining, rappelling, kayaking, rock climbing, hiking... So I'm excited for a lot of things. I think this will be a great growing experience for me.

Switching topics briefly, a big congratulations to Jeremiah for successfully completing his internship at Medtronic! He worked really hard, and it paid off. They loved him and his future with the company is looking good! I'll let him brag more about that when he writes his next post. But, I had to include that. Congratulations, Jeremiah! So proud of you! 

I will be updating my blog as much as possible. I'm thinking once a week... So we'll see how it goes! I can also receive letters, though apparently they can take 2-4 weeks to arrive! So I'm not expecting any! Packages aren't recommended, so please don't send anything unless you want to give something to my parents or Jeremiah in the next two weeks so they can take it in their suitcase when they come to visit! 

The ISA address for letters is:
Hannah Warren
P.O. Box #101-2010
Zapote, San Jose
Costa Rica, centroamerica
ZIP: 10105 

Adios familia y amigos!

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