Saturday, October 24, 2015

Manuel Antonio y mas!

One month down, two to go! Wow! 
Last weekend I had a trip to Manuel Antonio National Park. It was only about three hours away and our hotel was very nice and right outside the national park! All day last Friday I wasn't feeling very well, so my Friday night was not very exciting! Saturday we went into the national park. It is beautiful! We went on a couple of trails, one that led to a waterfall, and one that went by a bunch of crabs and monkeys! The monkeys were so cool! There were so many of them and they were really close. So I took a ton of pictures of them. After quite a bit of walking we headed to one of the many beaches inside the national park. The one we chose only had two other people on it! So we walked down the whole beach and climbed around on these huge rocks and explored. While exploring we saw a bunch of crabs and an eel!! And then we swam, and spent most of the rest of the day sitting on the beach! Oh, there were also some fearless raccoons on the beach so you had to watch your things. 
Sunday my friend and I walked around town and got free Pura Vida bracelets! That was nice! The rest of the morning we wandered around the hotel area until it was time to return to San Jose! 
This week was my last week of my first Spanish class! So I wrapped up a five credit class in only four weeks! The name "Intensive Spanish" is definitely justified. So as far as class went this week I was busy with two presentations, an exam, and a patient simulation. The patient simulation was nerve-wracking but actually very cool. My Spanish class is Spanish for health professionals, so we were in pairs and one person was the nurse (me) and the other was the doctor. We had to get their basic information, take their vital signals, listen to their symptoms, diagnose them, and give recommendations. So it was very applicable to a real life situation, so I enjoyed it and think mine went well! 
Also this week we had different visitors at our house pretty much every night because of the new baby. Everyone wants to see him! So I got to meet a lot of Costa Ricans! One of them even told me that I have a great Spanish accent!! 
I made Oreo Truffles this week! I wanted to make something common in the U.S., and for my family, this is very common! I had to make do with different melting chocolate and no food processor, but I managed and they tasted great! Valentina and Dilanna loved watching me make them, and they loved the end result even more! So I was happy they enjoyed a little something from home! 

Weekly observations/notes:
"Mae" is a word here that they use for "dude." I hadn't really heard it much until my host dad's friends started visiting more and they'll use that term pretty freely in conversation!
Dilanna and Valentina give me hugs when I come home, which I love! 
They have a "juice" here that is literally oats, water, and sugar... Really weird. I'm not a fan, but my host mom loves it! 
I took my first taxi today! I know my dad will be happy to hear that. It was super easy, I just hadn't needed to take one until today!
I'm having a hard time getting pictures with my wifi right now. So next time I'll have more pictures!

I am currently on my way to Puerto Viejo on the Caribbean coast of the country! Manuel Antonio was my last planned excursion with my program so this one is on my own with friends! So it will definitely be a new and interesting experience! We are also going down to Panama for a day, so I will be going to yet another country this year! I'm excited to see what's in store! 

Also, quick shout out to my adorable niece and nephew who turned two this week!! Well, Madeline turned two yesterday and Parker turns two tomorrow! I can't believe it! I love them so much and miss them like crazy! I'm so lucky to be an aunt!

Pura Vida

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