Sunday, November 15, 2015

Living like a Little Kid

Writing this post from the beach! This weekend I was expecting to just stay in San Jose... But alas, here I am on the beach! More on that in a minute.

My classes went well this week. A very normal week really until my field trip for Spanish class this Friday. We went to the Musee de Los NiƱos, or the Children's museum! We spent about three hours there, first doing a fun scavenger hunt and then just exploring. My team came in second place for the scavenger hunt so that was fun!  The museum was actually really cool and very impressive. It was huge and even had a mini Walmart like the mini Wegmans in the Strong Museum in Rochester! We had a great time just looking around and being a little goofy! 

Mini Walmart! 

Outside of class this week... on Wednesday it was my friend Hannah's birthday so we went to a delicious Chinese restaurant for dinner and then another place for drinks and dessert afterward. It was a really fun girls night! Thursday I went to dance class and had fun hopefully improving my Salsa skills. Unfortunately early this week I was sick. It's going through our house, the girls were sick at the same time as me and now my host parents are both sick! It was something like the flu, but nothing too bad. So thankfully it ran its course in about three days. 

Friday after class my friend Stephanie and I went to a place right by school called Le Rendez Vouz. It's a French place with sandwiches and pastries. I got a Chicken Pesto sandwich that was delicious. Afterward we walked quite a ways until we reached a mall called the Multiplaza. It's really nice and very American, but we had to go while we were here since everyone goes! So we spent awhile just browsing and ran into some of our other friends while we were there! The rest of Friday I spent just hanging out with my host family pretty much!

Saturday morning was I think the first time I could sleep in and I woke up at 6:45 right when I wake up during the weekdays! But that was fine. I had a leisurely morning and then at 11 I met up with Stephanie again and we took the bus Downtown. We decided to just take our time exploring the city more! We first went to the Central Market, had lunch and explored the market and ended up each buying a couple things. I bought a pair of leather sandals that I am really excited about! After then we made our way to the Artisan Market where we bought a couple more things each! So it was a successful day  of souvenir shopping (though I'm still struggling with some gifts for others) and to end the day of walking we stopped at POPS, a chain ice cream place that's all over here. It was very good! So Friday and Saturday I really felt like I got to know the city a bit better because I got out and just took my time exploring.

POPS Ice Cream

I had intended to stay in San Jose again on Sunday, but Saturday night my host mom came over to my room and said they were thinking of going to the beach on Sunday and asked if I wanted to go! So I said sure, why not! So Sunday morning we got all ready to go and I hit the road with my host family! We drove about an hour and a half to Jaco, the closest beach to San Jose. It was more crowded than the other beaches I'd been to and not as pretty but it was close and it was really fun spending the day with them! I built sand castles and jumped over and ran away from waves with Valentina and Dilanna and sat on the beach and enjoyed the time with all of them! It was completely unexpected, but I'm really glad they decided to go! Now I can check off Jaco and I didn't really have to pay anything which is always nice! I've said it already, but I really got lucky with my host family! They are so great about including me and making me comfortable here. That was probably one of my biggest fears about studying abroad here was getting paired with a bad host, but that definitely didn't happen! Looking forward to another week here.

By the way, the name of the post is because the bulk of what I talked about in this post was playing at a Children's Museum and playing on the beach so I was living like a little kid this week!

Finally got a picture of my host parents!! 

Pura Vida!

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